Προσωπική Σελίδα Στέφανος Καρασαββίδης
Five fundamental laws of stupidity (by Carlo M. Cipolla)
- Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
- The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
- A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.
- Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
- A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.
Σύνδεσμοι σε τεχνικά άρθρα
(Ορθή) απόδοση αγγλικών όρων πληροφορικής στα ελληνικά
- web site - ιστότοπος
- usability - χρησικανότητα
- use case - χρησίτυπος
- standard / proprietary - προτυποταγής / ιδιοταγής
- non-standard / non-proprietary - απροτυποταγής / ανιδιοταγής
- webcam - ιστοκάμερα
- ubiquitous learning - αειφανής μάθηση
- personilization - εξατομίκευση και ΟΧΙ προσωπικοποίηση!
- ransomware - λυτρισμικό
- modular - δομοστοιχειωτό (αποτελούμενο από αυτοτελείς μονάδες)
- component - συστατικό / συνθετικό
- prototype - πρωτόλειο
- edge computing - υπολογιστική παρυφών
- cognitive computing - γνωσιακή/γνωστική υπολογιστική
- pervasive (games) - διάχυτα (παιχνίδια)
- data bus - δίαυλος δεδομένων
- sharing - κοινοχρησία
- crowdsourcing - πληθοπορισμός
- proactive - προδραστικό
- outliers - έκτοπα δεδομένα
- gatekeeper - πυλωρός
- implosion - ενδόρρηξη
- penetration testing - δοκιμή / έλεγχος διείσδυσης
- intrinsic - εγγενής
Σύνδεσμοι σε ιστότοπους/εφαρμογές τους οποίους δουλεύω
Things to ponder
- What if my dog only brings the ball back because he thinks I like throwing it?
- If the poison expiration date is past, does that mean it's less or more poisonous?
- Which letter in "Scent" is silect... the S or the C?
- Do twins ever realize that one of them is unplanned?
- Why is W pronounced "double U" instead of "double V"?
- What if oxygen is killing you and it just takes 75 to 100 years to work?
- Everytime you clean, you make something else dirty.
- 100 years ago, everyone had a horse, only the rich had a car. Today everyone has cars and only the rich have horses.
- If you replace the "W" with a "T" in "What, Where and When", you would have the answer to each one.
- If you rip a hole in a net, you have less holes than you started with.
The reason that all Star Trek spaceships meet each other the same way up is because there is a universally decided "down" direction.
Every warp capable vessel has a piece of buttered toast suspended in an antimatter containment unit. It is picked up and dropped automatically by little robot arms, within the unit, four times a minute. The orientation of the buttered side tells the onboard computer which way is down, even when light years from any gravitational field.
Klingon ships use a slice of K'gacch spread with T'kr'lagg but the effect is the same.
Όταν δεν έχεις τι να κάνεις
Φιλοσοφία & άλλα
- Το Πανεπιστήμιο έχει ένα ρόλο τετραετούς τελετής ενηλικίωσης. Χρήστος Παπαδημητρίου, ΕΠΕ live event 18/6/2020
- Μην κάνεις τίποτα για το οποίο θα φοβάσαι μην το μάθει ο πλησίον σου. Επίκουρος
- Die Wahrheit einer Absicht ist die Tat. Hegel
- "I 've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die." From Blade Runner.
- "Thus shall it come to pass. A dying leader will know the truth of the Opera House. The missing Three will give you the Five who come from the home of the Thirteenth. You are the harbinger of death, Kara Thrace. You will lead them all to their end. End of line.". From Season 4, Episode 6 of Battlestar Galactica, titlet "Faith".
- Experience = reinvented the wheel often enough to know better
- None of our beliefs are quite true; all have at least a penumbra of vagueness and error. The methods of increasing the degree of truth in our beliefs are well known; they consist in hearing all sides, trying to ascertain all the relevant facts, controlling our own bias by discussion with people who have the opposite bias, and cultivating a readiness to discard any hypothesis which has proved inadequate. These methods are practised in science, and have built up the body of scientific knowledge. Every man of science whose outlook is truly scientific is ready to admit that what passes for scientific knowledge at the moment is sure to require correction with the progress of discovery; nevertheless, it is near enough to the truth to serve for most practical purposes, though not for all. In science, where alone something approximating to genuine knowledge is to be found, men's attitude is tentative and full of doubt. Bertrand Russell
Μαντμαζέλ, κοινοβουλευτισιόν χοντροκλεψιόν γκαραντί, απατεών αλέ ρετούρ και μίζα ντούμπλε φας.
Γκραν σουξέ, κι από μανζέ γκουρμέ εξοπλισμέ, ζιμενσέ, χρηματιστίκ, βατοπεδουάρ, ολυμπιάντ, ασφαλιστίκ κασέ και ζενερέλ φαταούλ αχορταγιέζ!!!
Εμείς, ψηφοφορέλ γκραν μαλακιστίκ ξεφτίλ!
Τώρα, μέσα στο μαιζόν εγκλειστίκ, τρε μπατίρ, καταστασιόν απελπιστίκ, πολύ κοντά σε πεζοδρομουάρ βιζιτέ!!!
Σακ βουαγιάζ.
Γιώργης Σαράντης, Εδώ Πολυτεχνείο
Τρείς νύχτες καίγανε οι φωτιές
την τελευταία ακούστηκαν καμπάνες
Κάπου αλλού θα παίζεται η ζωή μας σκέφτηκα
και τότε τον είδα
λαμπαδιασμένο απ’ τις ζητωκρυαγές
να τρέχει προς το θάνατο
Αλέξανδρε του φώναξα
κι ύστερα πιο σπαραχτικά Αλέξανδρεεε,
πάλι και πάλι
Καθώς έσκυψα να τον σηκώσω από την άσφαλτο
δε βρήκα παρά στάχτη
Σ’ όλους τους δρόμους
οι στρατιώτες πυροβολούσαν το φόβο τους.
Από τον τόμο Αντιφασιστικά ’67-’74, εκδ. Γραμμή, 1984
Ευχή για νεόνυμφους
Η ευτυχία να γενεί πέλαγος δίχως δύση
να ταξιδεύετε και οι δυο σε όλη σας τη ζήση.
...και μία παραλλαγή
Η ευτυχία σας να γίνει πέλαγος δίχως δύση
να ταξιδεύετε μαζί σε όλη σας τη ζήση.
A typical website visit
- Figure out how to decline all but essential cookies
- Close the support widget asking if I need help
- Stop the auto-playing video
- Close the "subscribe to our newsletter" pop-up
- Try to remember why you came there in the first place
Stefanos Karasavvidis
sk at karasavvidis dot gr